速報APP / 旅遊與地方資訊 / Inntel Ticket Service

Inntel Ticket Service



檔案大小:20 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Inntel Ticket Service(圖1)-速報App

Welcome to the Inntel Hotels Cityguide!

Inntel Ticket Service(圖2)-速報App

Visiting Amsterdam is a true experience. Inntel Hotels Amsterdam Centre is the ideal starting point for exploring the city. Located in the heart of Amsterdam at a traffic-free square between Central Station and the Dam, the hotel is within walking distance to the canals and all city highlights. We now offer a free mobile city guide that provides all information needed for your stay in Amsterdam! Apart from several helpful facts regarding the highlights of the city, this application enables you to book attraction tickets.

Inntel Ticket Service(圖3)-速報App

You can skip the long queues and head right to the entrance, make reservations at the best restaurants nearby and select the highest ranked excursions to make your vacation a unique experience.

Inntel Ticket Service(圖4)-速報App
